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Billie Anne, 24

A little bit about me

Whether its a girl next door sensual experience youre looking for, or the star in videos you wouldnt dare tell anybody you watch, Im a Billie of all trades!

At a soft curvy size 16, naturally busty DDs and ever changing hair colour, theres plenty for you to marvel at; without even mentioning my piercing green eyes or infectious smile that could melt a snowmans heart! With a tattoo collection that is slowly being added to, 14 and counting; there is always at least one thats a wonderful conversation starter.

I have a wild appetite for all things flirty, fun and engaging for everybody involved; whether thats the two of us, or maybe even more! I have a gorgeous doubles partner, who is just as curvy and mesmerising!

I deeply encourage and welcome lovers of all gender identities and backgrounds, as well as couples.

No condom - no service.

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Age 24

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Shoot me a message and I promise I’ll reply!

Hey guys I’m Kelly, a girl who has a lust for life and a lust to please men. I am always in the mood for sex.