Need a hot ingredient to spice up your day? Have a dash of Nutmeg. Private escort in inner city sa 5000. Gorgeous, petite mixed-race lady. Fluent English. PROTECTED SEX, GFE MINIMUM$180, HOUR 350 / 500. ACCEPT THE LIMITS, rates and services. DETERMINEYOUR ARRIVAL TIME (appointment time). Text / call 0466 408 ,I AM WORKING - EVERY DAY, 11AM to 1AM. ONLY CONTACT WHEN YOU'RE READY TO COMEOVER, between 11AM to 1AM. You must have an ARRIVAL :PROTECTED. NO DRUGS. NO ANAL ON ME. I DO NOT ENDORSEPSE OR VIOLENT these limits NOW Overview:1)GFE: Girlfriend Experience: cuddling, lovemaking, chatting. The vibe isintimate, passionate and relaxed. Sensual, but NOT rough. It answers thequestion, "What is it like to have a girlfriend?"2)KINK : Extra stimulation through toys, games Outcallsare available. Better jump to my soft bed now RATES(Incalls) FullService and GFE (Girlfriend Experience) Thirtymins $180Cuddling,A thorough body rub - I can walk on your back! PartialGFE - . Cheek, lip. NOT a heavy smoker? A light chat Hour$280Furtherincludes twice, hot stone body rub and the full GirlfriendExperience: cuddle on the sofa, undress each other! Shower together. I've gotdiverse interests, life experience and good conversational skills. Relax, chat,bond! Kink (all-inclusive; inc. full service and GFE) Thirtymins $300Hour$500 Toys,watch me play (show). Come on body. Dirty talk Outfit of your choice role play. I'll bind your hands, blindfold chores. Worship my feet. Slave positions, Choosethree options. Any hard limits? Or I can make it up! dominant - you're the sub / slave. I aim to excite. I respect your limits. Nomarks. Beginners are welcome. Open your mind, go with the flowForVIP treatment, book the hour (includes high-quality leather toys and apedicure) Venue:Fresh, modern apartment room. You can shower : Latetwenties, mixed-race / biracial, from cambodiaBody:45 kilos, five foot two. Cup size D8. Short, lean, curvy. SHAVEN. Wavyhair. Tight butt, beautiful wide eyes, gorgeous bone structure. No tattoos orpercings Clientpreference: FLUENT ENGLISH. Upon arrival, shower, use mouthwash, cut longnails (there are germs under there) - more important than ever. Have someconsideration for my health. I DO NOT NEGOTIATE. NO TEENAGERS,please. Sex is an ADULT activity, so you need to approach this like an adultDresscode: NO THONGS. Closed-toe shoes and jacket, please,Ifit's not urgent, ONLY CONTACT VIA PHONE TO BOOK. What is the appointment time? RESPECTis the basis of good sessions. BE FIRST TEXT DOES NOT CONTAIN AN APPOINTMENT TIME, it is USELESS and will bedeleted with NO REPLY. .";"; "How are you?" "Are you available today?" Donot ask for services which are not on the menu. Do not text every singlethought. If you need to discuss something, pls text me anytime. Theappointment time, where you're coming from and preferences. NO PRIVATE NUMBERS,PLEASE - check your settings. APPOINTMENTTIME FIRST. APPOINTMENT TIME FIRST. APPOINTMENT TIME FIRST. As I do not getpaid for texting, NO NONSTOP TEXTING or chit-chat during organization. When youarrive, talk all you want! AGFE Half Hour should be organized in ONE SIMPLE TEXT. IT IS MY MOST BASICPACKAGE. NO REQUESTS; GO WITH THE FLOW. GFE generally does not need to bediscussed. It flows naturally. We'll work it out when you arrive!Themore basic the package is, the easier organization should be. If you makeorganization difficult, I will block you. You get what you pay for. Wantspecial treatment? Pay more Seeyou soon,i am waiting for you in the city APPOINTMENTTIME - That is the FIRST THING THAT I NEED TO KNOW. WHEN WILL YOU ARRIVE?